The Business of Yoga

Jennifer Pahl has the unique perspective of being a yoga student, a yoga studio owner and a yoga teacher. Her background in business provides her with the tools and experience needed to help make yoga both a passion and a viable profession.

What is something you want people to know when it comes to business and yoga? 

While we all came to yoga because of our love for the practice, we need to remember that if it is our primary source of income, that it is indeed a “business”. As a yoga teacher, you have invested a great deal of time and money into your training. As a yoga teacher myself and a studio owner, I’ll share the things I’ve learned over the years that will help take your teaching to a place that feels authentic and practical. You’ll learn the top 5 things you need to do one month after graduation to differentiate yourself as both a heart-centered and a professional yoga teacher.

What do you enjoy most about being a part of Teacher Training? 

I LOVE being a small part of all the phases of teacher training: from the “Oh my gosh, I’m never gonna get this.” to the “Oh my gosh, I just taught Sun A to my fellow students” to the “Oh my gosh, I had no idea how much I would be interested in the philosophy/ayurveda/prenatal/history/anatomy part of the training” to the “I’m so thankful I have been able to connect with these people and know we’ll be friends forever” part. It’s a beautiful journey and a life-changing event. It’s a privilege to witness.

How has yoga and being an owner of a yoga studio changed your life? 

It has touched every part of my and my family’s life. Opening a yoga studio isn’t easy and "it takes a village" as they say. My Dad built the benches and many other things at the studio, my mom painted the signs and sewed things, my kids clean and stuff envelopes and my husband is my behind the scenes handyman/accountant/IT professional and therapist. My village is my #1 cheerleader. Owning a yoga studio has made me more patient, empathetic, strong and grateful. It’s connected me in a deeper way to my community and myself.


Mantras, Mudras and Yoga Teacher Training


Meditation and Yoga Teacher Training