What our Virtual Yoga Teacher Training is and is not.

With the entire world making a shift to the online platform and ZOOM for work calls, school, trainings and happy hours, we wanted to give some insight into what our Teacher Training looks like on the virtual platform and what it is not. 

Rightfully so, there are questions and concerns that come up about taking a Yoga Teacher Training, virtually. But there are many benefits to doing a yoga teacher training, virtually. 

First off, let’s start with what our virtual yoga teacher training is not: 

  • It is not a bunch of pre-recorded classes that you have to do on your own

  • It is not full of 50+ students where no one feels comfortable asking a question

  • It is not a bunch of blank squares with names written across each screen

  • It is not one person conducting the entire training

Now lets talk about what our virtual yoga teacher training IS: 

  • This is a LIVE virtual yoga teacher training, meaning that, aside from at-home study, you are continuously engaged with the teachers and other students in the program, via zoom.

  • Limited to just 20 students: It is extremely important to us that each student feels comfortable and safe to ask questions, share thoughts and feel a part of something. Because of that, we limit the number of students in each session. Not only does it make the experience more intimate, but the teachers are also able to spend more time with each student helping them reach their individual goals.

  • This training is engaging. Each live call consistent of a virtual live practice to begin and concludes with live lecture where students and teachers work together. There are also times where students are paired together to work on writing classes or practice teaching one another. By doing so, our groups get to know each other and makes for an incredible bond with one another, during and after the program.

  • We have expert teachers: We understand that one person running a call can get a bit mundane and we also know that not one teacher can have all the knowledge about every topic of Yoga. That is why our training consists of experienced teachers who are experts in their field and bring so much to the table for our students, making it fresh and exciting throughout the program.

Keep in mind that a virtual training is different than an in person experience but it doesn’t take away from a training experience. Here are just a few reasons why a virtual training can be beneficial. 

  • You can learn from the comfort of your own home or on the go, even if that’s on a vacation!

  • You learn how to teach others through the online platform (something that many are shifting to).

  • You have the ability to rewatch the live lectures, as we record them all and send them out each week, giving you more opportunity to learn and study

  • You connect with people from near and far

Taking this training online does not compromise the quality of our program. 

This upcoming Spring will be our 4th virtual online training and has been an absolute success with each group that has gone through. Our training (whether virtual or in person) sets you up to understand the WHY behind teaching yoga, so that when you are in front of someone, whether that’s on a screen on in person, you can identify how to help the student/s access the shapes in a way that will benefit them the most through the knowledge of understanding how the body works and how to cue students in the most effective way possible. 


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