How to Relax Your Mind at Home: 9 Ways to Find Inner Peace

Honored to be interviewed for this great blog … we can all use a little more rest and relaxation these days. But, it’s hard- especially now. Can you make space for one of these this week?

Published on August 5, 2021 by Julia Weaver via Redfin

In today’s world, life can get busy. From Vancouver, CA to Miami, FL, or anywhere in between, people have commitments to family, work, cooking, cleaning, and social events. These everyday tasks can make it can seem nearly impossible to find time for yourself. Luckily, making and sticking to small lifestyle changes and developing new habits, all at home, can help relax your mind.

It’s true that we cannot erase all the stress in our lives, but we can learn how to manage it better. And, no matter how busy you are, you do have the ability to make strides towards finding relaxation in the comfort of your home. Here are 9 expert-approved ways to relax at home amid the chaos.

Create a dedicated “peaceful corner” and relax at home

Use your yoga mat and meditation cushions to relax at home. This will make finding time for your yoga and meditation practice easy, especially when joining online yoga classes from home. You can decorate your peaceful corner with plants, succulents, artwork, and anything else that makes you feel relaxed and at ease. – Jai Yoga

Your home should be a relaxing sanctuary

A tranquil space that you enjoy and where you find a great sense of peace. If your home doesn’t feel relaxing, making a few simple changes will help. Minimize clutter and get organized, switch up your color palette to include neutral colors, and use lighting throughout your home to create the mood that you desire. You can also freshen things up by incorporating a few ‘new-to-you’ items, or you may want to give your home a complete style makeover. Out with the old and in with the new. Upscale Consignment makes it easy to change your style often, and easy on the pocketbook. – Upscale Consignment

Use your walls to find comfort and relaxation at home

The easiest way to find peace, presence, and calm at home is to practice the “legs up the wall” pose. Simply scoot up to a wall and put your tailbone up to the wall and your legs up against the wall. The rest of your body rests on the ground like you are forming an upper-case “L” with your body. Place your hands on your belly and breathe. This inverted position increases your circulation, alleviates headaches, boosts energy, and eases lower back pain. – Twist Yoga

Tranquility is as simple as peace, quiet, and meditation

The best way to create inner peace anywhere, especially at home, is through meditation. Meditation can be simple. You can start by setting aside time just for yourself and by finding a quiet place in your home where you feel at peace and can sit quietly. Find a favorite cushion or comfortable seat to rest and close your eyes. A beautiful indoor plant, ambient music, and a great-smelling candle can add to the tranquility of your space. If your mind feels busy, start with some gentle stretching to help you relax further. Find guided meditations or online yoga classes to create inner peace. – Tuladhara Yoga Studio

Choose a book that suits your mood and relax at home

There’s nothing more soothing than a comfy chair and a great book to unwind at the end of the day. If you’re a mood reader, we recommend having a short stack of books to choose from next to your favorite reading spot so there’s always something to suit your emotion. – Feminist Book Club

Feel the impact of mindfulness and find relaxation

One of the best things you can do to disconnect from the daily hustle and reconnect with yourself is to simply take 2-5 minutes of mindfulness: find a quiet space, put your phone on silent, sit or lay down in a comfortable position, close your eyes and breathe in for 5 seconds, exhale for 5 seconds. Repeat. Aromatherapy candles, incense, and weighted blankets are a plus to finding inner peace. – BEtime

Take to the kitchen and recreate a recipe

Find inner peace, savor the story, and immerse yourself by exploring recipes for the food and drink found in the book’s pages. Once you’ve created a book-themed culinary creation, share it with other readers, or your book club to spice up the discussion. – Judy Gelman, The Book Club CookBook

Keep your space tidy and clean

Cleanliness is the way to go to relax at home. In the area I meditate in, I make sure I keep it clean and orderly. I have a small altar, where I write and pray. and I have a candle that I light, so I have a lighter ready as well, to bring focus to what I am doing. – Suda Prem Studio

Connect with botanical beauty to liven your space and find inner peace

For many folks here in the Bay Area that could be as simple as a lush plant in a pot that ties into your home aesthetics. A custom floral design can also serve as a reminder that we all come from the Earth and can find our own unique solace within any space. – Nigella


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