TWIST TIPS: Why “Protect Your Lazy Ass” from the sun?

It’s that time of year. The sun is out and we are thrilled to be outside enjoying every last drop of the coveted Vitamin D. But, we all know that too much of a good thing isn’t good anymore.

When reminding my kids to wear sunscreen last week, they asked me, why we need lotion with UVA and UVA protection. Usually, I am in a rush (or perceived rush!), and make up an answer. This time, I decided to refer to the ol’ Google machine and came across the nifty little video below. It has a brilliant and easy-to-understand message.

The graphics are cute and the message is clear. I don’t know about you, but I don’t want skin cancer OR aging skin. So, it’s all UVA/UVB for us this summer.

On that note, every summer I search for the perfect brand of sunscreen. This year, we are loving SUN BUM – a great little company from Cocoa Beach, Florida. You can find it at a lot of local grocery stores or on Amazon. We have the 15, 30, 50 SPF and face stick. The have zincs, sprays, special baby products and everything in between. Plus, a pretty cool “Ask the Bum” section.

Let us know if you have a brand you love!


TWIST TIPS: Jen & Dede's Top 5 FAVE Summer Arbonne Products Video


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