Welcome to the Twist Yoga blog
Check back often for our favorite recipes, asana breakdowns, tips & tricks, and plain ol’ TWIST scoop. – Namaste, friends.
Can Yoga Really Help Me Sleep Better?
You probably already know that yoga is a great way to relax and relieve stress. But did you know that it can improve your sleep, too? Yoga can help you fall asleep faster and sleep more deeply. Here's why…
How to build strength with Yoga
Do you want to build more strength with yoga? Find out 5 poses to add into your practice to get stronger today.
How'd "YOU" Open a Yoga Studio, Anyway?
People often ask me how Twist Yoga came to be. The chance of a less-than-flexible mom in her mid-40s, who is not a yoga teacher, was born and raised in Miami, has a background in the so-not-yogic financial services industry, and has never owned a business before, opening a yoga studio in Oregon, is probably fairly slim.
Why Do I Practice Yoga?
There are so many different options to get exercise these days. Why did I pick yoga? What’s so special abut yoga? Why is it different?
TWIST TIPS: What is Vinyasa Yoga?
Vinyasa Yoga, also called "flow" because of the smooth way that the poses run together, is one of the most popular contemporary styles of yoga. It's a broad classification that encompasses many different types of yoga, including power yoga.
Mindful Eating for Better Health
What is mindful eating? How can I start?
Can you imagine slowing down when you sit down to eat to experience the tastes and textures of your food rather than wolfing it down in a hurry or snacking on the go all the time? We can absolutely learn to slow down and eat mindfully. We can also learn to see the food we eat as medicine that not only nourishes our whole system, but also tastes delicious.
Twist Tips: Top 5 Questions to Ask about Yoga Teacher Trainings
Top 5 things you should ask if you are looking to take a Yoga Teacher Training
Yoga Teacher Trainings are so varied. If you are considering a training, do your research and find the one that is best for YOU. Ask questions, talk to recent grads, and other studio owners.
TWIST Tips: The Turkey on the Table
We LOVE the idea of fostering more gratitude in our lives. This idea, created by two moms, is the perfect way to start. Simply add something your family is grateful each day on a feather, and watch the love grow. Kids of all ages can participate. By Thanksgiving, your turkey will be filled with thankfulness, and will be a lovely centerpiece that everyone will enjoy. Plus, every turkey purchased provides 10 meals to someone in need through Feeding America. You can learn more about TURKEY ON THE TABLE and buy yours here.
TWIST Video: School of OM yogi interview
School of OM is a workshop series for yoga students who are interested in taking their own personal practices a little deeper. Learn about asanas, anatomy, history and philosophy and the subtle body in this 4 week program.
TWIST Tips: How to Activate Your Mala
Mala beads are known to protect and guide us in our daily lives. Activating your mala is the perfect way to connect your beads to your energy, and set your intention.
Asana Breakdown: Seated Twist (ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA)
The kids are back to school, and routines may be beginning to adjust to the new “normal”. The start to the school year oftentimes feel hectic and over-scheduled. This can result in aches, pains, and digestive issues. I feel ya!
TWIST Tips: New Infinity Straps in the studio!
We love the new Infinity Straps we have at the studio! They are so easy to use and help make so many poses more accessible, safer and more fun! Check out this video for a home practice using the Infinity Strap (available in studio for just $20). This easy-to-use strap can be used for stretching, arm balances and aligning the shoulders to build stability and strength. You'll see them incorporated into class and available for sale at the studio!
Twist Tips: 48 Questions to ask your kids
While we were planning for Kids Yoga camp this week, we came across this amazing and easy craft from Glennon Doyle at Momastary -- our go-to BLOG for all things sparkly, spiritual and fueled by LOVE.
Twist Eats: Crock Pot Black Beans
Starting the Arbonne 10 day cleanse today and batch cooking for the week! We are super excited for the Black Bean and Butternut Squash Chili recipe. But, it calls for 2 cups of cooked black beans - NOT CANNED! Yikes, no time for traditional bean soaking and cooking today.
TWIST Tips: 5 Reasons Men Should Practice Yoga
Yoga is actually an ancient method of relaxation, exercise and healing that was originally only practiced by men. Then, it was used as exercise for the military to prepare young men for the rigors of battle. Trust me, yoga will not transform you into a touchy-feely kale-eating girlie man - instead it will simply create movement and structure to improve almost all aspects of your everyday life.
TWIST Eats: How to get Protein from Plants
Sometimes, we want to take ‘Meatless Monday‘ a little longer and get protein from plants alone. But, it’s hard to know how much and what to eat. It’s true — all plants and vegetables contain protein.
TWIST Tips: Five Spring Break Lifesavers from Jen Albertini and Arbonne
Our bodies go through changes along with the seasons and thank you to Arbonne for having these 5 products to help us transition to sunnier times. Not only do these products work, but they are all botancially based and created using the best of science.
TWIST Tips: Spring Break Page-Turners: Betty’s Book Club
Time to pack the bags, kids, sunscreen and the perfect book! We don’t know about you, but we think the BEST books recs come from friends. We’ve turned to the experts at Brow Betty – avid readers and fun fanatics – to share their top reviews (the good, the bad and the ugly) from the Betty Book Club: