Happy 8 Year Anniversary

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Happy 8 year anniversary to US.

From Lakeside Video to Lakeside Tan to Twist Yoga ... this space has evolved and grown and flourished.

But it's not the physical space that makes it so sacred. It's YOU. It's US. The shared energy that lives inside these walls is contagious, inspirational, and evolving.

Over the past 2 years, we've proven that together we can keep moving and growing and fueling happiness… even during the most difficult of times.

It isn't easy.
We've all experienced our own unique heartbreaking loss and grief. Life, work, and routines are different. Every day seems to bring new challenges, but together we have grown closer, and more determined to support each other in any way we can. 

The actual word “yoga” is thought to come from the words “to yoke” or “to connect.” There has never been another time that we need YOGA more than now. Yoga connects us to our breath, to our bodies, to each other, to the Earth, and to our unique places in this world.

Over the past 8 years at Twist Yoga, yoga has been a most sacred, magical and purposeful vehicle of practice for so many. When you come to your mat and practice, you leave with a more open heart. Then, when you move into the rest of your day (off the mat), you are better prepared to handle tough situations with empathy and compassion.

We’ve seen tears and laughter and the best parts of humanity. We’ve supported each other with meals, hugs, advice, and laughter. We’ve welcomed many new babies and said goodbye to too many loved ones. With Zoom, you’ve welcomed us into your homes and we met your pets, your kids, and we’ve received small glimpses of your beautiful personal spaces.

Some things have become more clear to us.  Things that we took for granted are now more appreciated. Things that seemed like a “big deal” no longer frustrate us as much. Through all the darkness, together the practice of yoga helps us continue to lean into the light. Just like the ebb and flow of Mother Nature, we too move from dark to light and back again. 

My hope for each of us is to take some time in the next few days to reflect upon all we have done together. Perhaps to sit quietly and remember a time on your mat in the studio or at home where you felt more spacious, more compassionate, stronger, or happier. Feel a sense of accomplishment that you did this during these hard times. Let that settle into your body.

And please know that our determination to be by your side through 2022 and beyond is stronger than ever. You can’t rent “Caddyshack” on a VHS tape, or get a fake tan in this space anymore, but you can find just what you need.




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