Welcome to the Twist Yoga blog
Check back often for our favorite recipes, asana breakdowns, tips & tricks, and plain ol’ TWIST scoop. – Namaste, friends.
Why should you support locally owned business, you ask?
Does it really matter if I shop from an actual small business? Do I actually really know the owners? Like, the real owners and not the managers?
How'd "YOU" Open a Yoga Studio, Anyway?
People often ask me how Twist Yoga came to be. The chance of a less-than-flexible mom in her mid-40s, who is not a yoga teacher, was born and raised in Miami, has a background in the so-not-yogic financial services industry, and has never owned a business before, opening a yoga studio in Oregon, is probably fairly slim.
Why Do I Practice Yoga?
There are so many different options to get exercise these days. Why did I pick yoga? What’s so special abut yoga? Why is it different?
I'm New to Twist Yoga and Not Sure Where to Start...
Are you new to Twist Yoga and not sure where to start? Here’s an quick and easy breakdown of which classes are truly for beginners. Let us help you find the perfect class for you. Make this year your happiest yet.