Welcome to the Twist Yoga blog
Check back often for our favorite recipes, asana breakdowns, tips & tricks, and plain ol’ TWIST scoop. – Namaste, friends.
Asana Breakdown: GARLAND (Malasana) Pose
It’s the perfect time to discover MALASANA pose. This shape creates calm, strength and helps focus your attention. Who doesn’t need that?
TWIST TIPS: What is Vinyasa Yoga?
Vinyasa Yoga, also called "flow" because of the smooth way that the poses run together, is one of the most popular contemporary styles of yoga. It's a broad classification that encompasses many different types of yoga, including power yoga.
TWIST Video: School of OM yogi interview
School of OM is a workshop series for yoga students who are interested in taking their own personal practices a little deeper. Learn about asanas, anatomy, history and philosophy and the subtle body in this 4 week program.
Asana Breakdown: Seated Twist (ARDHA MATSYENDRASANA)
The kids are back to school, and routines may be beginning to adjust to the new “normal”. The start to the school year oftentimes feel hectic and over-scheduled. This can result in aches, pains, and digestive issues. I feel ya!
TWIST Tips: Crow to Headstand Asana Breakdown with Jessica
Join Jessica Baker on Thursday, Feb. 23rd from 10:45-11:30am for a mini posture clinic and discover safe and fun ways to work into crow pose (Bakasana) and transition to headstand. It's great for beginners or those looking to transition from headstand back to crow or even in and out of side crow.
Asana LAB: The “Magic” yoga for athletes that saves your hips and hammies!
Ease lower back pain, lengthen the hamstrings and calves and open the hips in this yoga pose series from Twist Yoga teacher, Ali Matt that’s perfect for recovery. This series is an athlete’s best friend. Runners, cyclists and most traditional athletes can benefit from this easy-to-do pre- or post- workout routine.
Asana LAB - Chaturanga, Upward Facing Dog, & Revolved Half Moon
Sometimes, we get to a point in our practice where we are ready to really break down our asanas and shed some light on proper alignment, and take things to the next level. Ali Matt and Jessica Baker, two of our Twist Yoga Teacher Training leaders, take individual poses and present them in a way that's easy to understand, and really feel in your body.
Asana LAB: Videos Breakdowns of Sun Salutation A
Why do we see Sun Salutations in so many classes?
Sun Salutation is important for two reasons. One, it moves the spine in flexion and extensions (the spine’s two great ranges of movement), and is a well-balanced workout. It also offers numerous health benefits beyond the physical level; relaxing and centering the mind and body, and leading it to meditation. Two, Sun Salutation gives us an opportunity to express gratitude to the sun, without which life on earth would be impossible!
TWIST Tips: Yoga for Runners
A typical runner can experience anything from achy shoulders, tight legs to a sore back. Running often lends itself to tightening and shortening of muscles and high impact on the joints. Yoga, however, elongates and lengthens muscles, finding ease and stability in joints.
Asana LAB: Jessica Baker breaks down tripod headstand (Sirsasana II)
In our “Finding Fluidity” Inversions workshop series with Jessica Baker last week, one of the postures covered was tripod headstand. Jessica is so clear in how she explains and demonstrates the correct shoulder position, core engagement, and set-up for new and experienced yogis.
February Twist of the Month - Prayer Twist
After a season filled with indulgences, holiday parties and family, one of the best ways to get rid of excess stress and toxins is by practicing deep, detoxifying twists. Prayer Twist will rinse away your post-holiday stress and help get you on the road to a healthy 2015.