Welcome to the Twist Yoga blog
Check back often for our favorite recipes, asana breakdowns, tips & tricks, and plain ol’ TWIST scoop. – Namaste, friends.
How'd "YOU" Open a Yoga Studio, Anyway?
People often ask me how Twist Yoga came to be. The chance of a less-than-flexible mom in her mid-40s, who is not a yoga teacher, was born and raised in Miami, has a background in the so-not-yogic financial services industry, and has never owned a business before, opening a yoga studio in Oregon, is probably fairly slim.
Yoga classes - beyond the yoga studio
Ali Matt, the lead teacher of the Twist Yoga Teacher Training, shares how she takes her teaching beyond the traditional yoga studio and out into the community.
How to live the 8 Limbs of Yoga in your modern life with Cynthia Pedraza
Interested in learning more about yoga than just the shapes?
Twist Yoga Online brings you a new course: The 8 Limbs of Yoga
Coming this April!
How do you weave artistry and anatomy into a yoga class? Jessica Baker knows.
Read about how Jessica Baker brings her athletic background, deeply rooted in anatomy and physiology, to the Twist Yoga Teacher Training programs.
How to incorporate Ayurveda in Yoga Teaching
We’re so fortunate to have someone like Tania as part of our Yoga Teacher Training to discover how ayurveda and yoga fit together and how new teachers can benefit.
Mantras, Mudras and Yoga Teacher Training
Cynthia Pedraza shares her love of some of the more subtle aspects to yoga - Mantras & Mudras. Learn how she incorporates these into her hugely popular yoga classes at Twist Yoga.
Meditation and Yoga Teacher Training
Discover how Kristin Fritz shares her deep knowledge of Meditation with our Yoga Teacher Training students and what makes it so special and unique.
Yoga Instructor Teacher Training Grads -- Where are they now: Carol
The learning how to teach was one of my favorite parts, which was experiencing the asanas from a different perspective than being a student in a yoga class. Prior to teacher training would attend a yoga class where I followed the steps from what the instructor was saying. It was a lovely experience and I learned a lot of yoga poses by attending different classes instructed by different teaches.
Twist Yoga Teacher Training Grad - Julienne
The biggest surprise came a few months after teacher training was over when I taught my first public class. I never thought I would actually teach. Speaking in front of a group of people is something I usually try to avoid. And I didn't feel ready or qualified to teach a class because of my own self-doubt. But I taught the class and I survived and I really absorbed more in the 200 hour training than I thought I did.
Twist Yoga 2016 Teacher Grads - Where are they now?
What was your favorite part about Twist Yoga teacher training? I have so much favorite parts it's hard to tell, for me it was a life change experience that eventually allowed me to improve my asana practice as I learned proper alignment and safety for myself and my potential students. I also loved the focus of smart sequencing.
TOP 8 Twist Yoga Ho-Ho-Holiday Gift Guide
Are you making your list and checking it twice?
We don’t care who’s naughty or nice … we have just the right gift for everyone!